Friday, February 13, 2009

The crucible of Channel 7 digital reception

Writing good things about Channel 7's digital reception is likely to jinx it for me. Soon after my post of January 27, Channel 7 digital reception became unstable, at least on my digital television. I have now broken the antenna for that TV in four new places and Channel 7 still doesn't come in. Channel 4 comes in reliably, and Channel 20, unsurprisingly, comes in nice and strong. If only Channel 20 had a quality newscast.

In the analog television in the living room which now has a Craig-brand converter box, Channel 7 came in good until yesterday, when all of a sudden it kept dropping frames on Ugly Betty. After the second commercial break I gave up, turned off the converter box and watched the rest of the episode on analog. It seems viewers aren't the only ones unprepared for the digital transition. Some TV stations still have a hell of a lot of work to do.

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